This blog is maintained by Partners in Education (PIE) kids.

PIE Guiding Principles

In PIE, teaching and learning:
  1. Are centered around big concepts and ideas that are integrated across the curriculum. Whole ideas, events and materials are presented in purposeful context. Concepts and skills are interrelated making learning meaningful.
  2. Affirm students' interests, ideas, and points of view as essential to the learning process. Each child possesses a unique social, emotional, and intellectual developmental profile. Conferencing and goal setting encourages students to take initiative for their own learning.
  3.  Promote a community whose members include parents, students, and teachers as partners. Members of the community exchange ideas to create engaging learning experiences. Community members, along with district leaders, assume key roles in the growth and well being of the program.
  4. Capitalize on students' various developmental levels to effect academic and social growth. Teachers endeavor to address the diverse needs and abilities of their students with practices that include: peer tutoring, flexible grouping and cooperative learning. Learning is socially constructed and often interactive; teachers create classroom interactions that scaffold learning.
  5. Are assessed and evaluated with a variety of materials. Instruction and authentic assessment are woven together. A developmental continuum provides the link between instruction, assessment, and Standards. Student portfolios and other methods of evaluations may be used to assess students.
  6. Foster the growth and development of socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners. Students are encouraged to make responsible choices within the framework of classroom expectations. Students are given opportunities to take an active role in solving problems in their community. Learning is framed as an active process that extends beyond the parameters of school.

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